Personal Information
- M.S. Course
- Tel.: +82-42-821-6295
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Educational Background
- Chungnam National University : Electronics Engineering M.S. (2022.3~)
- Hannam University : Electronics Engineering B.S. (2020.3~2022.2)
- Dongyang University : Computer Engineering B.S. (2017.3~2020.2)
- Embedded Systems
- Processing-in-Memory(PIM)
- AI Accelerator
Journal Papers
- Jihwan Lim, Jeonghun Son and Hoyoung Yoo, “Efficient Processing-in-Memory System Based on RISC-V”, Electronics, vol. 13, no. 15, pp. 1-11, Jul. 2024.
Conference Papers
- Jihwan Lim, Yuseok Lee, Donghun Lee and Hoyoung Yoo, “Efficient Approximate Parallel Prefix Adder Design,” International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2024), Taiwan, 2024, pp. 778-781.
- 임지환, 이유진, 전병철, 유호영, “Posit기반 실수 가산기 구현,” 대한전자공학회 2023년도 하계종합학술대회, Jun. 2023
- 임지환, 이유진, 유호영, “RISC-V 명령어 기반 Processing in Memory 구현,” 제 30회 반도체학술대회, Feb. 2023.
- 이유진, 임지환, 유호영, “저면적, 저전력 Multiply-accumulator(MAC) 구현,” 제 30회 반도체학술대회, Feb. 2023.
- 김민수, 황지우, 최소연, 임지환, 신성균, 유호영, “실시간 저면적 BDS B1C 수신기 FPGA 구현,” 2022년 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회, June 2022.